Below is a list of courses I’ve assisted in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Associated instructor of record listed in the parentheses where applicable.
Graduate Courses
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan
- ICPSR 2022-2024: Machine Learning for Social Sciences (Summer: Christopher D. Hare)
The University of California, Davis
POL 213: Quantitative Analysis in Politics Science II (MLE) (S: 2022, Lauren Peritz)
POL 212: Quantitative Analysis in Political Science I (OLS) (W: 2022, Christopher D. Hare)
POL 211: Research Methods: Probability, Statistics, Design (F: 2021, Adrienne Hosek)
Undergraduate Courses
POL 109: Public Policy and the Governmental Process (S: 2024)
POL 051: The Scientific Study of Politics (Research Methods in R) (F/W: 2022-2024, Juan Tellez, McCage Griffiths, Christopher D. Hare)
POL 001: Introduction to American Politics (S: 2021 & 2023, Ben Highton & Scott MacKenzie)
POL 114: Quantitative Analysis of Political Data (Research Methods in STATA) (W: 2021, Ben Highton)
POL 110: The Strategy of Politics (Game Theory) (F: 2020, Ryan Hübert)
POL 147B: British Politics (S: 2020, James F. Adams)
POL 012A: Politics and Sports (W: 2020, Ethan Scheiner)